Human Services Commission

The Human Services Commission oversees the Department of Benefits and Family Support (BFS) by approving the goals and objectives as reflected in the annual budget. BFS plans and administers a variety of federal, state, and local programs to meet basic human needs and ensure protection of our most vulnerable citizens. BFS provides supportive services to families, children, and single adults. 

Commission meetings: Held January to October, every fourth Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. and in the Ronald H. Born Auditorium at 170 Otis Street. November and December meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month. 

The public is invited to observe the meetings and provide public comment in person. Remote access to meetings is available as a disability accommodation. Detailed information about public participation in commission meetings can be found in each meeting agenda, posted on this website 72 hours in advance of each meeting. 

Contact: For questions about the Commission, meetings, access, or agenda items, contact the Commission Secretary Elizabeth LaBarre at (415) 557-6540 or

Meeting details

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