What is CalFresh?
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What is CalFresh?
CalFresh is the state food stamps program that provides assistance for low- or no-income individuals and households to purchase nutritious food. CalFresh is known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
CalFresh issues monthly benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, similar to an ATM card, to purchase food at retail stores and farmers markets that accept EBT cards.
The monthly benefit amount is based on a person's or household's income, expenses, and household size.
New EBT Chip/Tap Card
The Chip/Tap feature makes using your EBT card safer and easier at local stores. Check your mailbox for your card. If you haven’t updated your address, please call us at (415) 557-5000.
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Did you receive a notice about CalFresh overpayments?
If you have questions about an Overpayment notice from the state, please contact (415) 503-4897 and leave a voicemail with your first and last name, last 7 digits of your case number, and your phone number.