Check CalFresh Eligibility

Who is eligible for CalFresh

Check your CalFresh eligibility in a few minutes on or the BenefitsCal Ask Robin chat. 
View fact sheet: English | Español | 中文  | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | Русский

Who must be included in the application

  • Anyone who purchases and prepares meals together
  • Everyone living at the address, such as husbands, wives, parents, and children under age 22

How benefit amounts get determined

Your benefit amount is based on your gross monthly income and household size minus monthly expenses such as: 

  • Child support payments
  • Childcare expenses
  • Medical expenses if your household has at least one member who is age 60 or older or has a disability
  • Rent or mortgage
  • Utility and phone expenses

Resources exempt from your application requirements include investments, property ownership, and bank accounts.  But, income from those resources will count as part of your household’s total gross income.

A household with an older or disabled person can call us for more details at (855) 355-5757

CalFresh Gross Monthly Income Limit

Income limits depend on household size. To qualify, a household's income must be below the limit in the table below. Note: A household with an older or disabled person may have a higher gross monthly income limit.

Household SizeGross Monthly Income Limit (Starting 10/01/2024)
1 $2,510
2 $3,408
3 $4,304
4 $5,200
5 $6,098
6 $6,994
7 $7890

The highest benefit amounts

Each year, the highest allowable benefit gets adjusted based on the cost of living (COLA) increase. The table below shows the latest adjustments. Note: Your benefit amount depends on your household’s income and expenses. This means that your benefit amount may be less than the amount indicated below. For details, see flyer: English Español 中文  | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | Русский  

Household SizeHighest benefit amount (per month, 10/01/2024 to 09/30/2025)
1 $292
2 $536
3 $768
4 $975
5 $1,158
6 $1,390
7 $1,536

Expedited (faster) food benefits

Food benefits may be available within three business days of submitting an application. To qualify, you must provide identification and meet all other CalFresh requirements. Your household must also: 

  • Earn less than $150 a month and have less than $100 available now.
  • Have a combined monthly income and available money that is less than your combined monthly rent and utility bills.
  • Have less than $100 available now if you are a migrant or seasonal farm worker. 

Call (855) 355-5757 to request Expedited Services. 

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