Community Partner Resources
SFHSA provides educational and outreach materials to help you better serve your community. Our flyers, fact sheets, guides, videos, toolkits, and presentations are available on this page.
You can also receive our Quarterly Partners Newsletter about our services' updates and events.
Educational and outreach materials
Electronic benefit theft continues to be a significant problem, preventing EBT cardholders from accessing their benefits.
To reduce electronic benefit theft in the state, CDSS will upgrade the magnetic stripe only EBT cards to a more secure Chip/Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) and Tap Pay (Chip EMV/Tap) technology card.
See the attached CDSS letter to the EBT merchants detailing the steps they will need to take to prepare for the implementation of EBT chip cards in mid-January 2025.
View the webinar: Understanding the Immigration Impacts of Using Public Benefits 2024, Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
Presentation: English | Español | 中文 | Tiếng Việt | Filipino
SFHSA Benefits 101 Webinar: Helping Community Providers Connect People to Services and Benefits
- Presentation: English | Español | 中文 | Tiếng Việt
- Webinar video in English. Check back soon for the video in other languages.
Our resources below include flyers, factsheets, and our web pages, which are translated into all our core languages.
- Immigration status and SFHSA programs: Webpage and Flyers: English | Español | 中文 | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | Русскийa
- Immigration documents required for benefit applications
- Immigrant Services Organizations
- Public Charge: Frequently Asked Questions
- Health/Medi-Cal, Food/CalFresh, and cash (CAAP, CalWORKs) assistance benefits: English | Español | 中文
- Sponsor information for benefit applications: English | Español | 中文
- How to Talk to Clients About Benefits: English | Español | 中文
View the DHCS Coverage Ambassadors Bulletin for updated flyers, videos, social copy, and other messaging materials designed specifically for Medi-Cal members and messengers.
These updates improve communication from trusted messengers, such as providers, employers, MCPs and their members, and schools.
They also provide information about unique Medi-Cal member experiences, like mixed household eligibility, In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), and dual enrollment.
- Video: BenefitsCal CBO Account Training for SF County
- SFHSA BenefitsCal webpage
- About BenefitsCal for CBOs: Request Your Community Based Organization Manager Account
- Video: CBO Features on BenefitsCal, and more.
- Reference Guide: A Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Dashboard
- Informational Slide Deck: BenefitsCal for Community Based Organizations
The Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS) provides outreach materials for presentations, events, and other innovative ways to reach service providers, professionals, and consumers.
You can download our flyers and postcards and request additional materials and bilingual assistance for specific events by completing our Outreach Request Form and emailing it to
- Flyer: English | Español | 中文 | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | Русскийa
- Postcard: English | Español | 中文 | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | Русский
Visit our Disability + Aging Services webpage for more information about DAS programs and services.