Public Benefits for Immigrants
SFHSA provides valuable public benefits for immigrants, from CalFresh food assistance and Medi-Cal health coverage to cash assistance through CalWORKs and County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP).
View the public benefits available based on your immigration status and the required documentation.
Note: Every situation is different. Please call the Bay Area Legal Aid Free Advice Hotline (800) 551-5554 to learn how receiving public benefits may affect your immigration status.
View the flyer: English | Español | 中文 | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | Русскийa
Program eligibility by immigration status
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Refugee Cash Assistance
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Refugee Cash Assistance - For Afghans, Cubans, Haitians, and Ukrainians who arrived in the U.S. on or before September 30, 2024
If granted parole for at least one year you can also get:
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents - If Refugee Cash Assistance ends
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Refugee Cash Assistance
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Refugee Cash Assistance
- Medi-Cal health insurance if you are a California resident
- Medi-Cal health insurance
T-Visa and U-Visa allows you to get:
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Refugee Cash Assistance if you are a single adult or a married couple without minors in the home
- Trafficking and Crime Victim Assistance Program (TCVAP) cash assistance
U-Visa also qualifies you for:
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents - Only if you are catastrophically ill
You can apply on behalf of U.S.-born children for:
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP) cash assistance for individuals without dependents
- Medi-Cal health insurance
- Medi-Cal health insurance
Depends on status or category on work permit:
- CalFresh (food stamps)
- CalWORKs cash assistance for people with children or CalWORKs Diversion
- Refugee Cash Assistance