The Dignity Fund Oversight and Advisory Committee (OAC)
The Dignity Fund OAC monitors and participates in the administration of the Dignity Fund and takes steps to ensure that it is accountable to the community. The Dignity Fund is a revenue stream administered by the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS) to help older adults (60+ years old) and adults with disabilities (18+ years old) secure and utilize the services and support necessary to age with dignity in their own homes and communities. For more information, see the Dignity Fund Charter Amendment.
Meeting schedule: The third Monday of each month, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at 1650 Mission Street, 5th Floor.
- To get notifications of Dignity Fund OAC meetings or documents referred to in the agenda, contact Katherine Moser at (415) 355-6786 or
- To request accessibility accommodations, call (415) 355-3509 at least 72 hours before the meeting. Late requests will be honored if possible.
Committee Information
- February 24, 2025 (Rescheduled) Agenda | Minutes | Dignity Fund Data and Evaluation Report FY 24
- January 27, 2025: Agenda | Minutes - MEETING CANCELLED
- Dignity Fund Bylaws Draft with Proposed Changes 12 20 2024
- December 16, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | Dignity Fund Bylaws Draft | Dignity Fund Cycle-End Evaluation FY20-23
- November 18, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | Dignity Fund YE report FY24 | Dignity Fund YE Presentation
- October 21, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | DAS RFP Calendar FY 24-25 |HIV and Aging DAS OAC
- September 16, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | DAS Annual Report Presentation
- July 15, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | DF OAC Data Eval Report FY 23
- May 20, 2024: Agenda | Minutes | OAC Budget Update 05.20.2024 Final
The OAC is responsible for developing recommendations to DAS and the Fund regarding:
- Outcome objectives for services to seniors and adults with disabilities
- Evaluation of services
- Common data systems
- A process for making funding decisions
- Program improvement and capacity-building providers
- Community engagement in planning and evaluating services
- Leveraging dollars of the Fund
- The use of the Fund as a catalyst for innovation
- Providing input into the planning process for Community Needs Assessments (CNA) and the final CNA, the services and allocation plan, and the overall spending plan for the Fund
- Reviewing the annual data and evaluation report
- Establishing and maintaining a service providers working group
- Meeting at least six times per year
The OAC is composed of 11 members, as follows:
- Two members of the Aging and Adult Services Commission
- Three members of the Advisory Council to DAS
- Three members of the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council
- Three at-large members appointed by the Mayor and subject to rejection by the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of notice of appointment
Criteria for Membership
The goal of the OAC is to be diverse in composition including, but not limited to: ethnicity, gender, age, language, supervisorial districts and neighborhoods, experience working services for seniors and aging individuals, experience in working in services for adults with disabilities, experience working in services for people with HIV/AIDs, and experience working with veterans.
Other desirable qualifications include experience in community organizing and engagement, understanding and experience in working with equity matrix principles, and experience with public financing and budgeting.
Current Members
- Marcy Adelman
- Allen Cooper, MD
- Vince Crisostomo
- Ramona Davies
- Wanda Jung
- Martha Knutzen
- Diane Lawrence
- Sandy Mori
Jennifer Walsh
November 27, 2023: Agenda | Minutes | Dignity Fund YE report FY23 | DAS RFP Calendar FY 23-24 (Final OAC Nov Mtg) | SPWG Comments at the OAC meeting
September 18, 2023: Agenda | Minutes | DAS Commission SPWG 09.18.23| DAS Housing Subsidies Analysis Presentation to OAC | DAS Housing Subsidies Analysis Report (Final)
July 17, 2023: Agenda | Minutes | DF Data Evaluation Report_FY 2020-21 DRAFT 07.17.23 | DF Data Evaluation Report_FY 2021-22 DRAFT 07.17.23 |
DF OAC Presentation_Data Eval Report FY 2021-22 (07.17.2023)
May 15, 2023: Agenda | Minutes
March 20, 2023: Agenda | Minutes | DF Budget Fundamentals | Updates to SAP report | SAP Final Report
February 27, 2023: Agenda | Minutes | DFSAP FY24-FY27 DRAFT 02.13.23 | Memo Meetings of Policy Bodies | SPWG Report
January 23, 2023: Agenda | Minutes | 23.24 DF Allocation Planning_OAC01.23.23
November 14, 2022: Agenda | Minutes | DF Eligible Services YE Budget Report FY22 | DF Eligible Services YE Budget Presentation FY22 | DFSAP Presentation to OAC
October 17, 2022: Agenda | Minutes | DF Data & Evaluation Framework Presentation (Virtual Meeting)
September 19, 2022: Agenda | Minutes | FY 22-23 DAS RFP Calendar Presentation | 2024-2027 DF Services and Allocation Plan Presentation (Virtual Meeting)
July 18, 2022: Agenda | Minutes (Virtual Meeting)
May 16, 2022: Agenda I Minutes l Outcome & Evaluation Updates Presentation l 22-23 Funding Allocation Plan Presentation l Case Management System Assessment Presentation (Virtual Meeting)
March 21, 2022: Agenda | Minutes | DF-OAC 2021-2022 Community Needs Assessment Presentation
November 15, 2021: Agenda I Minutes (Virtual Meeting)
October 25, 2021: Agenda I Minutes (Virtual Meeting)
September 20, 2021: Agenda I Minutes (Virtual Meeting)
July 19, 2021: Agenda I Minutes (Virtual Meeting)
May 17, 2021: Agenda | Minutes (Virtual Meeting)
March 15, 2021 (Virtual Meeting)
January 25, 2021 (Virtual Meeting)
November 16, 2020 (Virtual Meeting)
September 21, 2020 (Virtual Meeting)
July 27, 2020 (Virtual Meeting)
June 22, 2020 (Virtual Meeting)
January 27, 2020
November 18, 2019
September 16, 2019
July 15, 2019
April 15, 2019
March 18, 2019
February 25, 2019
January 28, 2019
December 17, 2018
November 19, 2018 - Meeting Canceled
October 15, 2018
September 17, 2018
August 20, 2018
July 16, 2018
May 21, 2018
April 23, 2018
April 4, 2018 Joint Public Hearing
March 19, 2018
February 12, 2018
January 22, 2018
December 4, 2017
October 16, 2017
September 18, 2017
August 21, 2017
July 17, 2017
June 19, 2017
April 3, 2017
March 2017 (4 Meeting Dates)
February 2017 (2 Meeting Dates)