Proposition F

Passed by voters on March 5, 2024, Proposition F is an important new tool to address San Francisco’s opioid overdose epidemic by incentivizing substance use disorder treatment. 

Beginning in January 2025, Proposition F requires that people with a substance use disorder who want to access county-funded cash assistance participate in some form of treatment.  

The Proposition F Advisory Group convenes monthly to discuss and provide feedback on key elements of the program’s design and implementation. It includes representatives of the San Francisco Human Services Agency, the Department of Public Health, nonprofit treatment providers, people with lived experience, and other key stakeholders.   

Advisory Group meetings are open to the public. For meeting details, call (415) 557-6540. 

The Advisory Group kick-off meeting was on Thursday, May 30 (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) in the Born Auditorium at the San Francisco Human Services Agency’s 170 Otis Street location. The June meeting has been postponed to late July. Advisory Group meeting dates will be posted here as they are scheduled. 

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