4397 Results
February 11, 2025 Human Services Commission Special Meeting
Contract and Grant Opportunities – Disability and Aging Services
View the Tentative Request For Proposals for Disability and Aging Services.
Contract and Grant Opportunities - SFHSA
View available contracts and grant opportunities for partnering with SFHSA.
County Adult Assistance Programs (CAAP)
CAAP provides cash assistance to low-income adults without dependent children, adults that cannot work, and refugees.
Low-income individuals and families use CalFresh to purchase food at many retail food outlets, grocery stores, and farmers markets.
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
IHSS helps older adults and persons with disabilities with daily activities, such as bathing, dressing, laundry, shopping, and cooking.
Medi-Cal provides free or low-cost health insurance for eligible individuals that comes with a range of health benefits and services.
Disability + Aging Services
Food, health, caregiving, legal assistance, adult protection, community activities, and more.
Disability and Aging Services Commission main page
The DAS Commission oversees the department's, objectives, plans, polices, and programs.
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