Get IHSS Job Benefits and Training

As an IHSS Provider, you receive a monthly salary based on an hourly rate and annual increases. You also have access to the health coverage and job training benefits below.  
View IHSS Provider salary rates.

Provider benefits

  • Health and Vision: If you were paid to work for a minimum of 25 hours for the last two consecutive months, you can apply for Healthy Workers insurance through the San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP.) 
  • Dental:  If you were paid to work for a minimum of 25 hours for the last six consecutive months, you can apply for the Liberty Dental Plan.

You will receive application enrollment forms before the application due date. If you enroll by the 12th day of the month, your coverage will start on the first day of the following month.

If you have not been paid for the authorized number of hours per month, your insurance will be terminated. You will be notified by mail one month before your insurance ends. If your insurance is terminated, you must reapply for coverage when you are eligible.

Workers’ Compensation insurance provides wage replacement and medical benefits if you are injured while working for an IHSS Recipient.

To file a Workers' Compensation claim: 

For more information, visit the Intercare website.

SEIU Local 2015 represents IHSS Providers for collective bargaining for members in wage increases, benefits coverage, working conditions, and grievance procedures.

An optional IHSS Provider ID is available from the IHSS Public Authority.  Make an appointment to get your ID

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