All Announcements

The program offers free summer admission to local museums and cultural institutions for San Francisco residents who receive public benefits.
The subsidies help address the backlog of older adults and people living with disabilities waiting for subsidized assisted living due to the high cost of care.
San Francisco is the first in the nation to lift tens of thousands of driver’s license holds for people who missed traffic court appearances.
Ingrid Mezquita will oversee San Francisco's programs to improve access to high-quality care and education for children 0-5 years of age.
LGBT Aging Policy Task Force's programs and policies address many challenges facing older LGBTQ adults and allow them to age within the community. 
San Francisco will dramatically boost the number of park restrooms staffed by trained monitors.
The SF Dept. of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) is hosting trainings June 11-15 for older adults to protect themselves against financial scams.

HSA is holding a public meeting on June 11, 2018 seeking feedback from stakeholders on a new model for emergency services for foster youth with intensive behavioral needs.
HSA and Contra Costa County partner on a family visitation network to support San Francisco foster youth living in the East Bay.

Our hearts are profoundly heavy upon hearing the news of the passing of Mayor Edwin M. Lee.
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